I enjoyed our last voyage to the sand dunes so much last weekend, that this
weekend I beg the Fisherman to set out for the desert again… and thus, we did.
Strong winds blew incessantly lifting up sands everywhere and with such impetus, that from inside our cozy tent it sounded like a furious sea, with big mad waves crashing onto some lofty sea cliff. Tumbleweeds toppled down and rolled around trailers and tables and every wall in our gypsy caravan groaned and shock violently. So pugnaciously winds blew, and howled, that we thought about packing everything up and head back home, but the dunes had taunted us with sunshine and coyote songs and we decided to take a chance and stay.
I had bought new blankets and colorful mandalas to decorate and
spice up a bit our gypsy caravan, and thus, both sleeping quarters got a
beautiful makeover. New softer, puffier
pillows and pillowcases too.

The campground wasn’t as crowded as some other times and we drove down to the sand dunes and walked around beautiful solitary spaces sheltered in the flora of dunes and lake that reminded me so much of the wildernesses of Israel. Then came back to our cozy tent to hide from the wind, and made us a late lunch of Italian wedding soup, tamales and Pot-stickers...
The campground wasn’t as crowded as some other times and we drove down to the sand dunes and walked around beautiful solitary spaces sheltered in the flora of dunes and lake that reminded me so much of the wildernesses of Israel. Then came back to our cozy tent to hide from the wind, and made us a late lunch of Italian wedding soup, tamales and Pot-stickers...
That afternoon we read and worked on our computers and ate chocolate chip
cookies and drank lattes, until we couldn’t hear the wind blowing outside any
longer, and everything calmed down and the night came upon our gypsy caravan in
soft murmurs. It was cold and dark in
the desert, but inside our cozy cocoon it was the most pleasant place in the
whole wide world, warm, comfy, snug, comfortable, colorful, romantic and
The following morning turned out to be one of the pretties, pristine days of the year for camping. Our bed felt so cozy and warm, it was hard to get up...
We made our coffee and had a breakfast of cranberry-walnut toast, cheeses and mini taquitos...
Then, we bundled up and headed out to walked the sand desert paths... it was so beautiful, with a beautiful warm sun shining down on us and the desert revealing itself in languages of love and mystery and wonder...
We walked all the way to the lake and sat at the dock for a while, with only the company of the mallards and birds.
What a beautiful, beautiful place this is! But I think this was our last gypsy outing of the year, because days and nights are getting too cold already to continue roaming the world out there, plus in the following weeks we will be super busy babysitting and visiting some other places too, although by air… so that’s it! Until spring, dear Gypsy Caravan! Thanks for all the good times you have gifted us there!