The clouds sang, and played 'ring around the rosie' with the bright sun, pink, dust purple and there and all around, the sounds of all the tiny mysteries in Nature concealed and revealed to the soul; so magnificent, so giving and forgiving.
I am a speck of dust in the hands of this marvelous green God whose throne sits in the axis of the earth... His voice the sound of the wind; arms swaying tree branches... and this joy tinkling in my feet.. my feet like deer's feet, and He makes me walk on my high hills...
The river on one side...
There's something magical about rivers... rivers are like sacred roads that take us to dreamy lands... rivers bustling with the rush of life. I want to believe that rivers are the truest secret keepers of mankind. And thus, I bring my offerings to the river as I walk in this leafy tabernacle shrouded in silence...
wild flowers under our feet...
And above the valley and mountains and miasma in which every living organism coexists—a yellow full moon and the hope of being lulled away to sleep by the peculiar and mystifying song of the grey wolf... somewhere in the belly of the deep forest.
Morning... in our gypsy caravan... there is a filler of voids, a sort of satisfaction in hiding among beautiful fabrics. For as long as I can remember, taking a trip in a Gypsy Caravan was a favorite fantasy. Now it is a reality!
This is my source of inspiration... from Pinterest.
As much as I would like to, it is somewhat difficult to create a room as elaborate as this one above. Besides the fact that it is not practical to travel with an extra load of unnecessary things, or things that move around, our caravan it's a pliable type of a caravan... which means, it really is just a tent trailer and everything would have to be removed and stored away before we can go anywhere. So this is it for now, although certainly not the finished dream.